Increase OTT Prices Without Losing Subscribers

A practical guide to SVOD price changes for maximum subscriber retention

Read on to discover:

  • Top 4 technical challenges of a pricing increase
  • Must-have software for minimizing churn during a fee-change
  • Top 3 technical solutions for a pricing increase
  • Top tips for pricing increase success

As a brand grows within the OTT space, altering the subscription fee makes sense for many businesses. Perhaps you’ve enhanced the user experience of your platform and this can be reflected in higher prices. Perhaps you’ve launched a raft of new content or exclusive titles which can command a premium.

Alongside the benefits of a price increase, there are also many challenges that accompany this transition, subscriber churn being number one.

To ensure the success of a price increase, we recommend researching the technical challenges beforehand, to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.

In this eBook we provide an overview of the top technical challenges of a multi-channel price change, and discuss all the best solutions.

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