AWS Solutions

Cleeng & AWS

Unleash the power of innovation and accelerate your business growth with a strategic partnership.

Why choose Cleeng?


Immediate availability, launch in 3 weeks thanks to SaaS

Clear ROI

Transparent pricing for predictable ROI up to 900%


Adaptable architecture with open APIs and more than 35 connectors


Engineered and designed for scale, up to 48 million transactions daily

Curious to hear more? Let’s book a call!

Cleeng offers you all the tools to prevent churn and boost ROI for your video subscription platform.

or discuss boosting your ROI at IBC 2023, Booth #5C84

Driving innovation together

Scale your business with Cleeng and AWS

In the rapidly evolving landscape of video monetization, Cleeng and AWS form a formidable partnership that empowers content owners to maximize their revenue streams through managing their subscribers, user retention and boosting their ARPU. Cleeng's comprehensive offering, coupled with the robust capabilities of the AWS platform, create a seamless and scalable solution for businesses of all sizes.


Ignite ARPU - increase the retention of subscribers

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Lower churn rate by 30% in 3 months

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Increase revenue by 15% through tailored pricing and upselling recommendations

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Identify and save 25% of at-risk customers with AI churn prediction

Boost ROI effectiveness in video OTT industry

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Predictable, transparent pricing

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Reduce support costs by up to 80% through self-service options and AI chatbots built for OTT customers

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Improve your payment recovery rate by up to 50% with tailored dunning systems

Increase efficiency of the OTT platform

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Time to market: under 3 months

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Reduce your time spent managing sales tax by 90%

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Improve first-contact resolution by up to 60% with a specialized OTT customer support team